Prepared by Amito Kevin
St. Mauritz Catholic Parish hosted Eye Surgical Week from the 17/4/2023 to 11/5/2023 with 202 patients operated within four weeks at St. Mauritz health Centre III Gulu in Obiya Palaro. Many of the patients travelled from across the country like Central and Eastern Uganda which is approximately 350km away from Gulu City. They were full of hope of better vision to be seen by German Eye Specialists who travelled also 6000kms to support the people of Uganda more especially the community of Obiya Palaro.
Photo Above: Vicar General Fr. Mathew Odong and Fr. Anthony Acire pose for a photo with our friends after mass on Sunday
Eye surgical week allows the health facility to treat more patients than they would be able to get access to surgery at a subsidized fee for example one of the patients who travelled from Kitgum District shared his experience that he went to Kampala for cataract operation, he was told to pay UGX 2.300.000 million minus transport so he opted to come back home and stay with the cataract because it was very expensive for him but when he got aware about the surgical week in St. Mauritz he just rushed to come because its pay fee is affordable but still to some people they were not able to afford.
Photo Above: Sr. Margret fleeting health education to the patients after post treatment.
There was collaboration among the German eye specialists and the local team in enhancing that the surgical week process was a success. Training of the local staff was enhanced to enable them utilize the equipment when patients visit the eye clinic and also exposed to new experiences.
Photo Above: Dr. Gerl training or guiding eye specialist of the eye clinic in the operation room
Photo Above: Dr. Gerl training or guiding eye specialist of the eye clinic in the operation room
Photo Above: Heike training some health Centre nurses on how to use the biometry machine.
Photo Above: Morris being trained to use the Autorefraction machine
We thank Gerl foundation for the partnership with St. Mauritz Health Centre III that the patients were supported psychologically. Much hope was gained from the patients because some came when blind and went back seeing very clearly with so much joy filled in their hearts and faces.
Photo Above: A patient after cataract operation
Photo Above: Patients waiting for post-examination after operation
Photo Above: Patients waiting to enter operation room
Another Eye surgical week is planned for 3/Jul/2023 to 13/Jul/2023 in St. Mauritz Health Centre III Gulu. There will be community mobilization through outreaches, radio announcements and other mobilization strategies is being planned so that the community are aware about the surgical week.
Prepared by Amito Kevin